UI Designer
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Hi! I'm Alexis de Forest.

I am a highly adaptive, compassionate, and energetic professional with a range of user-oriented design experiences. I have a lot of experience troubleshooting and problem-solving in fast paced environments. I am a great collaborator, adept at effectively communicating with a variety of client and personality types. I love discovering what elicits a specific emotional response and then visually articulating that elusive concept. I love using empathy, art, and technology to solve problems.



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I graduated from Designation’s 6 month intensive program in June 2019. Designation’s rigorous curriculum, hands on learning, and opportunities to work with real clients has given me a solid foundation in user interface design. 

I am a newly minted UI designer, but wait, there’s more. Before Designation I studied in theatre programs at USC and Northwestern University and I have worked as a costume designer for over a decade. One of the many important attributes I bring to UX/UI and graphic design from my background is empathy. 

Empathy is paramount to visual story telling. It is the key to the alignment of a visual language, collaboration, creating relatable characters, and ultimately audience engagement. Empathy is what drew me to costume design and what continues to draw me to UX/UI and graphic design. Empathy has also driven my lifelong passion for psychology. I have always been interested in understanding why people do the things they do. I care, I am curious about people, and I want to help make their lives better.

I love UX/UI and graphic design.